Sciences Physics and Material Sciences

Measuring the properties of matter and energy

Excelitas lasers, lamps, optics and detection are used for a variety of applications in physics and material sciences

Excelitas lasers, lamps, optics and detection are used for a variety of applications in physics and material sciences including:

  • Particle sizing
  • Heterodyne detection
  • Luminometry
  • Photometry
  • Metrology
  • Spectroscopy
  • Optical bench components
  • Detector calibration
  • Material testing

An ideal application for Excelitas detectors, particle size analyzers allow companies to develop better products faster. Understanding particle size through laser scatter detection is critical to understanding physical properties that allow scientists to characterize polymers, proteins and nanoparticles. Through detection of laser diffraction, physicists can use the patterns and intensity of scattered light that is directly proportional to the particle size. 

Excelitas' premium off-the-shelf optics and mechanics present a noticeably superior performance for instruments and benchtop experiments throughout the sciences. These include our LINOS lens systems, laser diode modules, mirrors, polarization optics, zoom and microscope optics, thin film coatings, LINOS Faraday isolators, laser modulators and Pockels cells and more. Excelitas has a wide variety of precision mechanics such as LINOS  Microbench™, Nanobench™, tube mounting system, positioning systems, mirror mounts, profile and rail systems, optical tables, spectrometers.